Your complaint has been successfully received and will be analyzed by the RVN compliance team. We will review your complaint based on the guidelines in our Code of Ethics and Conduct and applicable law. We inform you that, if the report was made anonymously, and our actions against such reports do not become public, you may not be aware of our related decisions. However, we guarantee that all occurrences forwarded to our portal will be properly analyzed and appropriate measures will be taken, as applicable. Also, in the case of anonymous reports, if the information provided is not sufficiently clear and complete, it may not be possible for our Compliance Team to carry out the necessary investigations, and considering the anonymous nature of the communication, it will not be possible for our Team to contact you to request further clarification. This is an automatic message. For further information and clarification, we request a detailed reading of our Code of Ethics and Conduct, available on this website. Regards, RVN Team
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Rua da Assembleia, 10, 26º andar, Sala 2604, Centro, 20011-000 – RJ